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Showing posts from July, 2010

How to impress girls

Ever wonder why so many women adore Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp? No? Well go figure, that’s because it’s freaking obvious. They’re famous, sexy and rich. Chances are that you, on the other hand, are neither famous or rich, in fact, even your good looks haven’t gotten you anywhere lately. But what if I told you that you can learn how to impress a girl even if you aren’t that rich or famous? Well brace yourself, because I’m going to share with you one of the most powerful insights into the mechanisms of attraction you’re going to learn. Before I do that, though, let’s take a closer look at our “obvious” observation: the fact is, I’ve seen rich guys try to impress girls with their possessions and fail horribly – they either come off as posers or become “best friends”. Fame and money are fleeting, and you know it. While they last, they’re (at best) indicators for the character traits women seek in men. And you can fare wonderfully with the attributes nobody will ever take from you: f